Case Studies

What we have done

Measuring impact and social return on investment is not easy, but it can be done. We are share some experiences of our impact journey.  

Whilst our work is aligned to numerous global standards, guidelines and frameworks; every client assignment is different. Ultimately the objective for social and impact investors is: what’s the impact that our investment brought about and what’s our return on investment?

The following section shares some of our work of the past ten years based on different client assignments.  Our case studies are based on the Investment Impact Index™ an impact assessment methodology and framework, and our process of impact management and measurement:

The III™ is an impact management and measurement methodology and framework consisting of various impact assessment aspects, including:

Impact design and planning

Assisting clients to identify and confirm their impact mandate. This is done by determining, confirming or developing the impact objectives i.e. an impact thesis, which is supported by a Theory of Change that contains assumptions and investment intent for how our client wants to affect change and ensure impact. In addition, we develop a logic model framework which outlines the envisaged impact value chain. During this process we also design the investment portfolio and themes.

Impact management and measurement

In this process we help clients to develop a performance measurement framework. This includes determining a baseline, developing and identifying indicators to measure their impact objectives and envisaged impact, developing the monitoring and evaluation processes & structures; including a reporting framework. This process is also supported and informed by a management assessment that considers 50 dimensions across strategic, operational and programmatic aspects. The same alignment ensures that during implementation, the right performance data is monitored and reported on consistently.

Impact verification

At the end of the intervention or investment life cycle an impact assessment is conducted to determine the impact and return on investment achieved. The first step is to identify which stakeholders have been impacted, and then engage with these stakeholders to validate impact achieved. This is done in order to review performance data and to verify impact. Then the impact is documented and analysed. 

Impact analysis

The analysis process includes counting the impacts, classifying the impact according to 50 impact and return on investment dimensions, and then comparing impact and return across investment portfolios & themes. In addition, the impact results are synthesised, triangulated and subjected to an assessment across 20 benchmark and comparative assessment dimensions. An important step in the process is to digitize the impact data and to load it on our impact technology platform. The III™ delivers three value adds. Firstly, it standardises the input of impact data and ensures the quality of the data. Secondly, it ensures transparency in the process as the client can share the data with stakeholders. Thirdly, the comparability of data contributes to deep and meaningful insights which can be presented in the impact management report.

Impact reporting

Once the impact assessment and analysis is completed, the management report is prepared. During this stage, impact and return are reported on across the investment portfolios, themes and individual interventions. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are prepared. The outcome of the impact assessment is then shared with stakeholders.