Impact Reporting – An idea whose time has (finally) come?

Measuring and managing impact has become one of the most important topics for discussion and debate over the last few years for those working in the impact investment ecosystem. Given the importance of performance management practices, it stands to reason that impact reports should also be a very important component of the impact management and measurement cycle. In practice, a …

Impact Enterprise Supply and Demand

Impact Enterprises and Impact Investment – A Mismatch Between Supply & Demand

The growth and success of green and inclusive business models with high impact potential is central to the challenges many emerging economies are facing. These enterprises not only spur development and market growth, but also ensure the preservation of the very base of our global economy – environmental and social resources. Thus, these small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may just …

Impact Investor talking impact investment, philanthropy and grantmaking on mobile phone

Impact Investors And Extending The Impact Of Philanthropy and Grantmaking

A guide for impact investors. Impact investing, which promises both financial returns and intentional, measurable impact, is attracting more and more attention – most of it from private investors. And although foundations, social investors, venture philanthropists, donors and grantmakers are hard-wired for social purpose and would seem to be natural candidates for impact investing, so far in Africa, they are …

Impact Investor thinking about impact due diligence with technological icons around her head

The Importance of Impact Due Diligence In Impact Investment

Impact due diligence is crucial in impact investing. While the practice of impact measurement and management (IMM) has become increasingly sophisticated and widespread in recent years, most investors focus primarily on what happens after, not before, investments are made.This diminishes the potential value of IMM because the social and environmental performance reported by companies after receiving investments has, in many …

Impact management and Impact Measurement Guide Header

Effective Impact Management and Measurement Reimagined

Impact management practices that are better going forward, we envision this as well as greater investment effectiveness. “If we want to seize this turbulent moment, we need to be bold, and we need to be big. The time is now, to change our relationship to money, to change what it means to invest truthfully, time to change capitalism, for better …

The pressure to measure impact

It seems everyone is talking about impact and is looking to achieve and demonstrate impact. Investors talk of ‘impact investing’, social investors talk about social impact, and social purpose organisations are talking about collective impact.  The international development community is also increasingly preoccupied with impact. Since the early 2000s, the terms ‘impact’ and ‘impact evaluation’ have skyrocketed in use and have …