Impact Management 101

Impact investing and impact management and measurement has come of age. There is an explosion of materials and information about the subject matter.  The aim of this article is to provide a snapshot and a quick orientation to the current landscape of impact measurement, management and reporting. What is impact investing? Impact investments are investments made with the intention to …

Impact Management and Measurement – an SDG dream or nightmare?

If you do not know about the SDG’s, then you must have been living under a rock for the past five years.  The SDG pictograms must be the most widely used icons ever as we see them all over in foundation reports, corporate sustainability reports, impact reports and investor reports. According to the 2020 CECP Global Impact at Scale Report …

Impact Reporting – An idea whose time has (finally) come?

Measuring and managing impact has become one of the most important topics for discussion and debate over the last few years for those working in the impact investment ecosystem. Given the importance of performance management practices, it stands to reason that impact reports should also be a very important component of the impact management and measurement cycle. In practice, a …